Smarter Sustainability

Our strategic approach to water management optimizes your property’s bathroom ecosystem to meet the needs of the customer while reducing utility costs by as much as 40-60%. We work with you to evaluate your property’s current water usage and calibrate existing infrastructure to improve water pressure, timing and functionality. Our retrofittable solutions can be installed in properties with minimal disruption to your guests or tenants while still providing maximum impact.

Systainable solutions are designed to improve water efficiency in multi-unit residential properties such as hotels and hospitality, high-density housing and apartment complexes, assisted living facilities, student housing and military housing.

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Get to Know Our Products

Retrofit Technology

We offer adjustable solutions engineered to achieve greater water efficiency. These intelligently designed retrofit solutions improve the functionality of the shower, sink and toilet and enable properties to keep existing fixtures, further supporting sustainability and cutting costs.

Proprietary Products

Our patented Pressura PowerFlow uses a pressure assisted piston effect to efficiently evacuate water, and together with our sink and shower solution, reduce the total water usage by more than 50% in each bathroom.

Benefits of Pressura PowerFlow Technology

  • Retrofittable – Easy to install in existing fixtures
  • Adjustable – Calibrate to your specific needs
  • Pressure assisted to increase functionality
  • Minimal disruption to guests or tenants
  • Quiet (70 db rating)
  • Safe to use
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Under Warranty for 5-years
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Systainable Solutions Save Water, Time and Your Bottom Line

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Less Maintenance

Our solutions improve the functionality of your existing systems, resulting in fewer repairs and reduced maintenance costs. This allows your maintenance staff to focus on other property improvements. Fewer maintenance calls mean less end user impact and frustration and a more enjoyable stay.

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Reduce Water Usage by 40-60%

Using water more efficiently means you’ll cut your water costs by up to 60% as well as gain significant savings on heating costs. Most properties see savings in the first month of implementation.

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ROI in 12-28 Months

Financing options are available, and most properties see a return on their investment 12-18 months after implementation.

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Quick and Easy Installation

Because they are retrofit solutions, our products can be installed quickly and easily with minimal disruption to facilities and customers.


Common Solutions Fail to Produce Over Time



Low flow aeration devices do not regulate line pressure and easily clog over time.


Shower Heads

Variation in line pressure due to time of day, occupancy levels or building height renders inconsistent water flow which decreases customer satisfaction.



1.28/1.6 gpf toilets are expensive replacements and do not effectively flush solids. They use the same internal flush mechanics as a standard 3.5 gpf toilet, many times requiring two or three flushes to remove solids. All while also not allowing adjustments for larger or taller commercial structures.

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Typical Commercial Building Water Usage

Toilets — 33%
Showers — 22%
Faucets — 18%
Kitchen Equipment — 15%
Leaks — 12%

Stop Flushing Money Down the Drain

Properties that invest in Systainable solutions today will not only significantly reduce costs but lead the industry in conservation efforts and earn valuable brand loyalty as a result.

Contact us today to schedule your free on-site consultation and savings assessment.

Request Your Customized Water Solution